Difference Between Social Media Marketing & Optimisation?

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Digital Marketing » Difference Between Social Media Marketing & Optimisation?


Digital Marketing » Difference Between Social Media Marketing & Optimisation?

Social Media Optimisation (SMO):

This is the process of optimising the website for users of Social Media Websites and many Internet Communities.
The optimisations are such as On-Page Optimisations like creating content, compelling it, to improve the websites performance, including social sharing buttons on the website which makes users expel more about the Business. 
In detail, preparing the website content and performance for Social Media Marketing (SMM).

Social Media Marketing (SMM):

This is the process which includes around the Off-Page Engagement & Activities such as in Internet Communities, Forums, Making things Viral, Posting engaging content on Social Media Websites & more.
SMM crosses the extra mile from SMO and involves marketing / promoting the B2C & B2C content through Internet Communities and Social Networking Websites.
You can also say it as a form of content marketing. Bookmarking, Forum Activities & Networking also comes under Social Media Marketing (SMM).


1. Never ignore your audience
2. Drive leads and sales
3. Brand awareness matters
4. Drive traffic to website
5. Involve Communities
6. Increase signups and grow revenue
7. Incorporate Public Relations tools
8. Effective customer service and loyalty counts
9. Boost brand engagement and monitor feedback

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